Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Early byzantine church architecture in Constantinople

Early byzantine church architecture in Constantinople (28/6/2007 v.1) Πρώιμη βυζαντινή ναοδομία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη (13/4/2007 v.1)

Early Christian church architecture in Constantinople is characterized by the evolution of the architectural type of basilica, a type of Roman origin that could easily become a building for Christian worship, while keeping at the same time the grandiose character it had as a public secular building in the Roman city. In the first half of the 6th century, church architecture reached to a point in its development, in terms of both architectural design and dome covering, that defined the Byzantine...



Ecclesiastical controversies in Komnenian period

Ecclesiastical controversies in Komnenian period (4/6/2007 v.1) Εκκλησιαστικές έριδες στην περίοδο των Κομνηνών  (12/4/2007 v.1)

The dynasty of the Komnenoi (1081-1185) was confronted not only with the external threats menacing the empire, but also with internal conflicts, often involving ecclesiastical or religious controversies. The most crucial of these conflicts related either to older heresies (Paulicianism, Messalianism etc.) or contemporary issues that emerged during the Komnenian period (dispute over the sacred vessels, John Italos etc.).



Ecclesiastical controversies in Palaiologan period

Ecclesiastical controversies in Palaiologan period (4/6/2007 v.1) Εκκλησιαστικές έριδες την περίοδο των Παλαιολόγων (12/4/2007 v.1)

During the Palaiologan period there was a renewed significance of religious and ecclesiastical debates, which had faded somewhat in the previous periods of Byzantine history, after the end of the Iconoclastic dispute. These religious and ecclesiastical controversies became major political issues and extended to political correlations and conflicts. The three most significant of them, in the order of appearance, are: the Arsenite schism, the issue of the Union with the Roman Catholic Church and...



Ecclesiastical controversies in the Middle Byzantine period

Ecclesiastical controversies in the Middle Byzantine period - to be assigned Εκκλησιαστικές έριδες στη μεσοβυζαντινή περίοδο - to be assigned


Ecclesiastical Councils in Constantinople

Ecclesiastical Councils in Constantinople - to be assigned


Ecclesiastical music in Constantinople

Ecclesiastical music in Constantinople - has not been published yet Εκκλησιαστική μουσική στην Κωνσταντινούπολη (13/4/2007 v.1)

The Byzantine music history demonstrates the development of ecclesiastical music into a complete musical system, with its own rules and style. After the Fall of Constantinople and the seize of the Byzantine Empire, ecclesiastical music survived as the music of the Orthodox Church; it kept its high art status in either a creative or static way, always following tradition, often including new pursuits and conceptions adapted to the needs of each period; all of these intrinsic characteristics...


Economic activities of the Greek-Orthodox of Constantinople in the 19th and 20th century

Economic activities of the Greek-Orthodox of Constantinople in the 19th and 20th century - to be assigned Οικονομικές δραστηριότητες των Ελλήνων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη κατά το 19ο και 20ο αιώνα - to be assigned


Edirne Kapu

Edirne Kapu (27/4/2007 v.1) Εντιρνέ Καπού (13/4/2007 v.1)

District between the sixth and the seventh hill of Constantinople with an important proportion of Greek orthodox population that diminished greatly after 1923; after 1955 Greeks gradually abandoned the area, heading towards bigger and more central communities.



Eğri Kapu

Eğri Kapu - to be assigned Εγρί Καπού (13/4/2007 v.1)

The Eğri Kapu district is located by the gate of the same name in Constantinople, close to the Blachernai Palace. The area had been populated from the Byzantine period and after the Fall continued being one of the districts inhabited by Christian Orthodox population. During the 19th century a boom is recorded regarding the establishment of associations and societies. After the foundation of the Turkish Republic the community of Eğri Kapu gradually declines.


Земљотреси у Цариграду

Земљотреси у Цариграду (11/10/2007 v.1) Earthquakes in Constantinople (Byzantine period) - has not been published yet Σεισμοί στην Κωνσταντινούπολη (Βυζάντιο) - has not been published yet

Будући да се Византија налазила на трусном подручју, земљотреси су се догађали веома често. Премда је у изворима остао забележен велики број земљотреса, разборито је претпоставити да је он заправо био још већи. Византинци су се бојали земљотреса како због њихових разорних последица, које су осим људских жртава обухватале и знатне материјалне штете, тако и због страха од божијег гнева изазваног људским гресима које су земљотресима наговештавани. У историји Цариграда (4.-15. век) забележено је...
