anta or pilaster, the
A shallow rectagular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and a base and architecturally treated as a column.
The uppermost part of a column or pillar crowning the shaft and supporting the entablature. The decoration of the capital characteristizes the ancient greek orders of architecture. In Doric order the capitals are decorated with abacus and echinus, in Ionic with spiral scrolls (volutes), while the corinthian capitals are composed of small corner volutes and a basket-shaped body decorated with rows of acanthus leaves.
composite Corinthian capital
A mixed order, combining the volutes of the Ionic order capital with the acanthus leaves of the Corinthian order. These capitals also have echinus molding with egg-and-dart ornamentation.
relieving arch
The relieving arches are built over opennings on the wall or, in case of fortifications, on the inside of the curtain wall, to help carry the weight of the elevation.
rosette, the
An ornament with a generally circular combination of parts resembling a flower or plant.
theodosian capital
The theodosian capital was an innovation of Early Christian architecture. Initially it was a very schematic composite capital with extremely deep relief (usually made with the drill). By the sixth century the theodosian capital turned more and more into the geometric shape of a truncated cone, sometimes a folded one. Usually it was covered by a more or less schematic vegetal decoration evoking the acanthus leaves and continuing without a break on the impost block, which thus merged with the cone of the capital.
tympanum (lunette)
(Rom., Byz.) The arched panel (lunette) inside an arch or an arcosolium.
A semi-cylindrical roof.