The term akritai designates the inhabitants along the frontiers. In military treatises of the 10th and 11th century, «akritai» was a name for the army units responsible for guarding the frontier of the Byzantine Empire in Asia Minor; they could either belong to the regular army or be drawn from the civilian people along the border, and they were supported by the Byzantine administration, either financially or through the cession of arable land. The action of these «akritai» significantly... |
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Antioch on the Orontes (Byzantoum), Demoi |
Armenians in Asia Minor Byzantium) |
Arsenite Schisma, 1260/1-1290 |
Forced Movement of the Mardaites, 688 |
The movement of the Mardaites was imposed by the terms of the treaty of 688 AD between Justinian II and caliph Abd al-Malik. Specifically, the Byzantines were obliged to move the Mardaites from the region extending from Mopsuestia to the borders of the province of Armenia IV, and resettle them elsewhere. The forced movement proved fatal to the Byzantine defences along the borders with the Arabs in the region of Taurus. |
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Jews in Asia Minor (Byzantium) |
The strong presence of Jews in Byzantine Asia Minor has its roots in earlier periods. The Jewish communities of the region bloomed in the Roman and Early Byzantine period. In Middle Byzantine years, particularly in the 10th-12th c., there were movements of Jews from and towards Asia Minor lands, while their presence in the region is evident until the end of Byzantine rule in Asia Minor, in the 14th century. |
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L'aristocratie micrasiatique (Byzance) |
L’aristocratie micrasiatique de l’époque médiévale s’est forgée au cours des siècles de combats contre les Arabes. Les grandes lignées trouvent leur origine chez un officier de talent qui s’est illustré dans les combats. Elle a monopolisé jusqu’au XIe siècle les plus hauts postes de l’armée, ce qui explique son enrichissement lors de l’expansion byzantine et les ambitions impériales de ses chefs. L’échec des rébellions et l’invasion turque ont ôté la base foncière de cette aristocratie. Sous... |
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The Mardaïtes was a Christian people inhabiting the Amanus (Gāvur) mountains of Syria. Towards the late 7th century, they joined the Byzantines and fought the Arabs. After a peace treaty was signed between the two rivals, several Mardaïtes were resettled in southeast Asia Minor by the Byzantines, who incorporated them into the naval forces of the empire. There has been evidence of their presence in Asia Minor at least until the second half of the 10th century. |
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